m....... twelve days of christmas.... 5 days gone,.,, shit... ahhhhhhhhh i gotta get tt initial D car model fast man . hm.. i wanna go to the coutdown thingy at esplanade wif my nouvelle park peeps but wads a countdown without ALL ur best buddies there, man.. buddies like celine aint gonna go cos shes stuck at home and it would be very saddening if the whole condo goes leaving only her at home =( and then mo i dunno he going or not cos he may be going town to meet francis and his girlfren n i was aked to go but id rather go wif all my condo frens n grace cos i noe them better.. and i dunno a shit abt francis n his gf... ahh wadeva man.. i may jus stay at home n accompany celine =) but then again.. wad abt grace??????? AHHHHH.. this is too confusing
Friday, December 31, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
wooooooo.. lets see.. i went out wif grace todae!! hahahaha yay =) and then we met cheryl.. =) and played at the arcade for wad seemed like an eternity.. and then we played n played n played =) n then finally we were so tired, we went home =) yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
home sweet home.. >.<>.<>.<

You are the middle finger!You are a rebel, and no one can tell you
differently! You might get in trouble a lot,
but hey, at least you have fun. Be careful,
though. Don't go too far, and try to be a
little more considerate of others every now and
Which finger are you?
brought to you by
wooooooo.. lets see.. i went out wif grace todae!! hahahaha yay =) and then we met cheryl.. =) and played at the arcade for wad seemed like an eternity.. and then we played n played n played =) n then finally we were so tired, we went home =) yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
home sweet home.. >.<>.<>.<
Sunday, December 26, 2004
m.... my day out wif the harvesters....
m..... basically it was kinda fun... but hell tiring.. walk so much.. they had this performance which consisted of dancing.. singing and acting.. kinda cool la.. they can all sing very very very well i gotta admit.. im like so touched.. T.T right.. so then mo n annie n leonard made me go down to the BIG SPACE... where i got a little freaked out.. and er.. filled in some forms i dunno for wad.. =p and then it all ended...then.. i walked somemore to bugis..grace called me in the mrt.. we toked and toked until my bloody fone had no reception.. so pissed wif it.. apologized to grace a long while later cos it didnt haf reception until then.. and then.. she nv reply.. so well.. then had lunch wif the harvesters..took neo print.. walked aorund.. shopped for presents for celine.. gabriel and teressa =) haha chionged finished all of em in half and hr... wahahaha u should see how i shopped la..=p but all the stuff i got for them was sooo cute n nice ok =) and its budget =) but its nice n practical =) well then after tt we left.. n mo gave my my christmas present.. hahaha a mogoo pig that's constantly sleeping.. damn cute la.. n its pink.. and it looks like it wans a hug.. n he gave me a card.. hahahahahahhaa nvm.. =) tts all for todae =)
Sunday, December 19, 2004
weeee im home
n man i bought hell lots of shit i tell u..=).. from clothes to shades n to comics n wind charm thingys. =) n shoes.. bought new shoes for mo too =) weeeee had so much fun la... i cant stand it.. n i managed to pull off the song tt i was supposed to play for drums. hahaha only took 25 mins to prepare it... shiet =p but heck who cares.. ok.. during the tip... last few days.. kind fuckedup la.. rather.. u noe.. left alone = but well i un really care.. half my adolesence was myself being left alone so yea =) pretty normal.. but heck la....ok.. too lazy to write
Monday, December 13, 2004
mm today i went all black around town man.. YEA... so did timo =) and he put on some eye liner,.. gth yea.. but i only put on a little winny bit.. haha so i dun look all tt vampiric yet.. =) bu its fun.. everyone starin at u like as if ur some alien.. i swear going to hk to buy myself a black skirt =) .. well.. im leaving in 9 hrs.. gonna miss momo alot.. but well, i'll be back soon ;p haha alot to say la.. but not nice to publicise =)
weeeeeeeee... somehow i dun wanna leave haha but i wanna go n shop n see grace haf un wif her n celine =).. n then i'll come back wif presents for timo n ally =)
Sunday, December 12, 2004
ok.. todae.. i.. went to drums... and er.. went home =) and gonna go for supper wif timo soon =) and tts all =) oh.. and i haven packed my bags yet.. =p leaving on tues morning...
Saturday, December 11, 2004
hahaha.. todae was kinda ok =) i went to watch blade trinity in the morning wif timo . n then we went to visit haikal wif grace.
Friday, December 10, 2004
omg.. i was freaked out a mo ago.. haha blogger dunno why suddenly showing chinese.. o.O man its a boring day n tomolo's a boring day as well. i gotta teach matthew emaths =) haha tt fat boy.. so cute n round.. well he was on a losing streak todae man.. lose al the way.. haha didnt go anywhere todae.. only to eat n then its crashing at home n behaving like as if we were drunk.. singing that stupid sg idol song "i dream" out of tune here n there n pretending to be sly screaming his lungs off haha but well, we were bored u see... bleagh... got a new hair cut a few days ago.. kinda nice la.. but make me look so neat.. o.O man.. yuhan being neat >.< well thenni took off the blue n white extension n left the red n brown one on =) nicer la.. cos the colours clashes.. u noe.. blue white red n brown.. haha ok.. tomolo timo's coming back wif my bro i heard.. at 5.. YESHHHHHHHHH hahahahhaa =) n im visiting haikal wif grace n sat YAY
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
haha ok =) todae i went shopping wif timo at queensway.. i slept until 1 plus.. n timo had to come n ruin my dream = S well.. then we went to shop.. i bought this wrist band tts kinda cool.. =) n timo bought one wif 6 bullets.. hell awesome dude.. haha just tt the centre looks likna plain so hes trying to find a nice watch to stick it in the middle then he can wear to school.. ahaha and then i fouhd so many cool stuff!! STUFF LIKE MY STUDDED WATCH, MY RED STAR PATCHES N MY SKULL PATCHES N MANY MANY COOL SHIRTS just tt they all look kinda fake maybe cos they ARE fake.. but i saw this ateryu shirt tts so fcuking nice but guess wad? tmo told me tt joel has it so im like... SHIT.... heck la i'll just save up bucks n go to image 2001 to buy the shirts there.. at least im ensured of good quality stuff n originality n nice desgins.. =) so then we wetn to ikea i dunno for wad... and we kinda lookeda round for cushions tt i was gonna buy for timo for christmas... =) ended up talking abt all sorts of stuff tt may happen in the future la.. bleagh wadeva.. so then we went home =) n play n play n ate dinner wif my mom.. n my mom's like gifing me all the wierd looks now.. but who cares.. so.. tmo's leaving tomolo.. SHIT... so yea.. tts al..
Monday, December 06, 2004
todae was pretty ok.. had drums.. then ate wif timo =) sorry grace.. i didnt receive ur miss call until after i looked at my fone at the mrt station... T.T nvm.. tomolo man.. at night we party!!! =) wel well... saw jing ping wif some guy.. ok.. nvm... the thing is.. im gonna miss my drum class jamming session wif the guitar ppl!!! >.< oh shit.. why? cos im in hong kong =(.. but oh well i'll scarifice anything to go on a trip wif my best frens =) esp grace n celine =) haha well.. gonna go shopping at queensway tomolo wif timo.. how nice.. just tt i got no bucks to buy all the stuff that i wan la.. so i gotta start to practice abstinence from shopping too much =p well i guess thats it =)
Sunday, December 05, 2004
weee ok.. i jus changed my blog... weeeeee haha dun really haf any nicer skins la... all the other nicer wan must host ur own pics.. so i couldnt take em cos i dunno how to...=p well got my shirt todae.. paid my own fone bills.. went broke.. =p.. tomolo got drums yay!! =) grace decided not to come over.. oh well its alright.. monday =) tues supposed to fly kites wif gym mates but no money to buy kite la =I well i gotta get off the chair to let jason use... hai... tt stupid boy.. ok la o la.=)