-.- todae sucked.. i got my resuots for some papers. it all sucked.. altho there were many others who did as bad as me,i totally symphatize wif them simply cos im like them =( wad a sucky day.. alot of my makrs were deducted cos of carelessness.. i wished i was mroe careful and all.. everyone keeps telling me it salright.. jus do better for Os. but isnt tt just wad we said to each other after mid yrs? that we gotta do better for prelims? man.. i dunno la. i feel so lousy and all.like. i cant even do my emaths paper right without screwing up one part of the paper.. similar for chem. i cant do the papr without screwing up certain parts of the paper. it jus makes me feel as if i cant do anything right at all. ok.. maybe im at least happy i improved on my chem.but its only a few marks. wad diff does it really make. for ss, i know i didnt fail as badly as b4. but wad diff does it make even if i fail it by only three marks this time. its still a fail. and for physics, i jus dun bloody get those energy work power questions no matter how many times i read thru the text book and notes. when im reading them, i think i would be able to do it. but when the real thing comes, i can do nothing. so much for teaching other ppl chem when i cant even do my own chem right. stop asking me to teach la. i cant man.so wad if i got full marks for the organic chem section.. its the overall tt counts. this sucks.. even my a2 cant save me. i hate this crap tts going on here. but at least im happy i was able to control my anger over grace .cos she kinda pissed me off during english cos she kinda pissed me off at one pt of time. but well.. im happy i kept silent n forgot abt it soon later.tomolo im getting back the rest of the papers. i doubt i'll be happy. i think im gonna spend my first three months doing somehting other than going to a jc tt i wan. sam, im wif u man =( haiz, im gonna gif up on physics. do my chem well and do well for my amaths. guess im not a maths person huh. so much for putting some hopes on emaths for the first time, and in the end, my hopes were severely dashed all the way to the ground. sometimes i wonder how cher can be so happy all the time. sometimes i wish i were mroe carefree. but well. i dun blame anyone for my results. its my fault i didnt take it seriously.now i haf to suffer the consquenses n spend three months doing nothing. lets see.. so far.. i already haf 10 points for 3 subjects. how horrible.. =( i think im gonna get like.. 22 for l1r5.. wad dismal results. no point la..
Monday, September 27, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004

scroll down for latest updates of simple plan n check out their new cover #3!!! n get updated on the cd track listings.. go dudes!!
ok.. todae was great.. we played lan.. ate n shopped.. i bought my dada's birthdae prez which costs 19 bucks.. a polo tee =) n i bought my mama her birthday meiji bear.. n i bought timo a eye liner sharpener.. im so nice.. n i bought myself two pairs of earrings =) then we went to play lan.. and some womean from SAFRA called me askin me to go join NS.. right im not even a guy.. =p well anyway then we kinda "crashed" centrepoint n ate at the whole stretch of hawkers opposite centrept.. i forgot there was tuition so i went home late only to find out tt my bro took over me n he was teachin my bro until i came home n he stopped teaching my bro to teach me.. =p and i rode on two kiddy rides.. so fun =) yea.. tomolo going to jurong the waterslide there.. YAYS. and i cant wait for SAT!!!! >.<
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
man.. todae ROCKS.. prelims jus ended.. how nice is tt?! haha party sia.. =) im going out for this WHOlE week.. haha and im going out wif timo on sat!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy haha gonna catch a movie =) dunno wad i wanna watch.. probably resident evil.. is tt ok momo? hm.. well todae's amaths was kinda good ..but im worying cos everyone else said it was shit.. then im scared my results will be shit.. ok.. im dying next week cos im getting back all my papers within two daes.. shit... =p
Sunday, September 19, 2004
todae i got wken up by force..ok..then.. the same routine every sunday.. eat visit gramps n shop.. but.. NO DRUMS TODAE T.T ='( i was so sad n bored cos got no drums.. haiz.. anyway ..then same thing again.. got forced to study./. so i did.. then tok n eat dinner n here i am bloggin =p haha really cant wait for wed man.. gonna ride horses!! i LOVE horses =) eversince im young =) they are my fav of the favs n i always wanted to haf one as a pet =) well.. all my stuff toys were horse when i was young n i got this big horse tts grey n i always pretend to ride on it.. =p well.. tts all.. tomolo im ognna go school early to eat breakfast wif grace.. haha go early jus for her lor =p and then meeting oilve for prata.. n then study amaths.. n then tues is amaths paper2 n then its partial FREEEEEEEEEEDOM =)
Saturday, September 18, 2004
mmmm lets see.. todae i went to timo's hse.. then him n i went to find grace.. and then we studied at kfc until 3.30..then we went to buy my mama's card holder.. n then we went to party wif us.. and then we went home =).. after tt i had piano lessons.. wad a drag... n then i went out wif my parents for dinner... then they decided to be ncie n buy me a new fone n change my plan.. so we did tt.. n i got my new fone.. yay.. then i went home =) tts it for todae.. boring, but nice cos i get to see timo after so long =) n i got the see grace too =)
Friday, September 17, 2004
ok.. now everything's fine.. im happy now.. n i took todae off as a break.. gonna study amaths wif grace tomolo =) yays.. i cant reach ally tho =( i'll call her tomolo
man.. shit la.. shouldnt haf come home la.. first thing i reach home i got scolded.. fark.. i told my mama said tt i cant do the vectors n energy questions.. then she start scolding.. wah lau, i tried to do them la.. its not like as if i nv even bother to look right... i studied those chaps la.. she knows it herself lor.. and shes saying tt im not studying.. right man i M lor.. fark la fark everything la.. no one sees me studying when i am.. WHY? cos they're all out.. wad can i do if they're not at home to see right.. wad.., take video cam n tape myself studying ah.. SHIT LA .. IM DAMN FARKING PISSED OFF LA.... im like dying over here liao and they're over there thinking tt my bro is OHGHHHHH SO HARDWORKING.. fark shit hard working la.. he study not until 5 mins then go sleep liao.. TTS CALLED HARDWORKING? I CAN BE EVEN MORE HARDWORKING THEN.. wad sia... say wad i always tell her tt i'll study harder n nv do it.. WAD LOR.. DOESNT MEAN SHE DIDNT SEE MEANS I DIDNT LA.. then come and say tt i show her attitude.. got wad attitude problem.. WHOSE NOT GONNA BE LIKE ME IF U GET TT U DIDNT STUDY THING FROM THEM EVERY SINGLE FARKING DAY?! and even tho u did ur best to attempt the question, they dun farking care cos why.. they only care abt wad is the end results.. guess tts the same for all parents la.. fark em all.. farkers.. i dun care man.. i dun wanna tok to them all for the whole of this bloody week.. its only gonna ruin my mood.. sucky lectures... everything sucks la.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
i wanted to change my skin todae.. but then.. got nothing nice la... all the skins like shit like tt... h.. maybe i should go make my own customized blogskin specially for me =) haha then nobody will haf.. wohoooo one of a kind man =) anyway.. exams for the past few days haf been quite good.. they're all managable.. jus tt im pissed at my own few careless mistakes.. haha.. anyway.. exams gonna end liao.. then after tt is Os.. shit it.. =p
Saturday, September 11, 2004
great.. y mother HAD to bring my cousins back into the hse to play infront of me.. dun care dun careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..i need to run away man.. far far away... i should haf jus taken my father's offer n go to boston to study when i was in sec3.. yea.. then everything would haf been fine.. but i didnt wanna leave cos of my frens n stuff la... haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need a boxing bag.. urgently.. im gonna jump off some building soon if i got nothing to vent my anger on..
Friday, September 10, 2004
freak shit man.. i got suuper bad sore throat... n its killin me.. n believe it or not.. im still eating fried rice wif chilli... wohooooooooooooooo haha.. its boring now.. no ones online.. grace aint online.. timo aint online.. off playing wif their frens i guess..i just finished tuition.. tomolo got tuition again.. a maths.. die la.. haven finish the work.. but heck la... -.- .my head is killing me and so is my throat along together with boredomness.. i cant wait for Os to go.. screw o levels man//oh.. new news from timo's blog.. haikal n timo are gay.. heck.. haiz.. 3 days to prelims.. fcuk it la.. im damn scared.. im scared cos i dun feel scared enuff to pia like crazy.. i need to bloody sink in.. but am i sinkin? NO... great.. ahh i wanna dig out my eyeballs n shove them up my nostrils..-.- dunno wad kind of shit is tt la.. but ahhhhhhhhhh.. i wanna dig out my heart n eat it myself...i deserve to be shot... nv do all my homework..i dunno wads going on for elec geog esp.. wah lauuuuu ... i feel so fcuked up la.. =( screw o levels!! screw it screw it screw it!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im going crazy jus thinking abt it.. i got no goals..theres nothing tt i wanna achieve!! ok.. lets see.. i wanna go first three months.. but.. so wad if i dun go?? i wun die lor... see.. this is the bloody prob wif me.. ahhhh die yuhan ,, DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE... ur so slack yuhan.. ur tooooo slack man.. u deserve some slapping n kicking in the arss.. -.- i dun believe this.. i cant even get my own maths right.. n cheryl is actually asking me to teach her.. WADS WRONG WIF THE WORLD DUDE?? my maths sucks.. n im supposed to teach? well, i feel honoured when someone ask me to teach them la.. but the prob is i dun even noe my stuff well.. and tts makin me feel soooooo dumb.. yea.. green day rocks.. "welcome to a new kind of attention..all across this alien nation" "i dun wanna be an american idiot" wohooo americans are idiots man..and G.D are smart tt they dun wanna be one..rufio is good too.. their songs are nice
......im gonna yank out my own tongue.....
wooo green day rocks man.. esp their song.. american idiot.. so nice =) teh teh teh teh... hahaha. well todae.. i went to school.. then went to timo's hse wif olivia to get the joes apartment vcd.. pathetic la olivia.. no where to go.. n dun wan to go home summore.. and we saw lots of videos from momo.. it was freaking hell hilarious man...then i was making fun of olivia like siao man.. abt e piano thingy.. n the ice cream thingy.. n then i helped timo draw his eyes again.. he seems to be addicted to it.... haha anyway.. then after tt we went to meet cher n grade who came from history class thenw e went to eat.. n then go home to study.. and then, i went home =)
Thursday, September 09, 2004
this blog is closing from oct onwards.. cos i dun really think anyone gifs a damn abt it.. so yeap... unless i feel like continueing it, it closes from oct onwards.. so yea.. tts all man
todae... it was kinda fun =)
anyway.. i went to school todae.. then me n grace had prata before tt at thomson.. then we went to school to study n i did hell lots of chem.. hahaha then after tt i walked her to her tuition teachrs hse.. man.. it is big la.... anyway then i went to timo's hse... haha the sis so cute!!!! haha play wif my fone n my wallet.. m.. after tt, me n timo went to peninsula to get his pedal =) cost me 120 bucks.. but well.. its gonna be of good use to him n he can play mcr songs w/o needing to keep going to the amps to switch it to distortion.. yeap.. so my bucks are for goooood use man =p thnk me timo.. haha =) later on, we went to ps to try n find the nice lava lamps.. but then.. the stuuuuuuuuupid shop had to close.. so, no choice.. go heeren to buy.. haha the shopkeeper remembered me.. cos i guess i always tell her when i go to tt shop, tt i wanna buy tt lava lamp.. so she gotta save it for me =) well shopkeeper, i fulfilled my promise =).we then took a bus down to grace's hse to pass her the lava lamp, watched some tv, toked, and then i went to timo's hse to see if the distortion thingy works properly.. lucky it did man.. or im gonna murder ppl... man.. my bucks lor!!! haha if i psend my bucks on buying a spoilt pedal i'll be soo pissed... >=( well anyway.. then i left soon after tt.. n went home.. haha timo bought this eye liner n he didnt want to ask the shop assistant abt it cos hes afraid ppl would think hes gay.. anyway.. i helped him draw on the eye liner la.. he actually looks kinda nice in it after a while.. first time when he put he looked like some gay... =p sorry momo.. tts the truth.. but well, it starts to appeal better after looking at it for a while.. so yea..goth rocks
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
man.. todae was fine.. i woke up late for school.. shits. it was grace who woke me up for the lesson.. haha i rushed down in a cab.. and in the end, i only went for the last half an hr of the lesson.. felt so *** but heck.. then me n grace n olivia went for prata lunch at thomson... and then we had so much fun making n poking fun of olivia.. then we went to kino to get grace's comics =) n then we went to send grace off.. so sad i didnt get to go to her hse to play mahjong.. =( and then me n olivia went shopping for earrings.. we went from heeren to bugis.. i bought a pair of skull ea studs n two pairs of stars.. one black and one red.. gonna switch sides man..
hahha but the the stupid woman gave me pink!! and i didnt noe cos the place the lightning so bad.. then im like.. shits.. so im like.. shits... so i took a red marker n coloured the pink stars red.. and then i sterilized it wif my medicine for my toe.. hahahaa so grace.. dun worry.. its safe to wear it..
haha then i bought ear sticks too..
but now i put ear sticks cos i tot i should let me ears air.. hahaha and sam was soo chio!! wif tt tube top n jeans.. really casual.. and chio =) anyway.. so happy! going out tomolo wif timo =p but so sad grace cant ocme.. oh well.. im meeting her for breakfast!! =) tts good!@!
Monday, September 06, 2004
wad a bad dae yesterdae was.. todae was tonnes better.... and a maths was fun.. we were toking abt all kinds of crap while waiting.. but of cos.. we did our work too =) and then during a maths tuition, we were tryign to solve the stupid question.. and.. i took like.. 10 plus over steps to solve it.. n i was already so proud.. but hey.. guess wad? he only took 6 steps.. wtf... spoilt my mood man.. haha but nvm la... then study and stuff.. n tts all... well.. nothing else.. except tt we too also toked crap but did our work too =)
Sunday, September 05, 2004
great.. now my mother is complaining tt im not as hard working as my cousin.. i dun really care..i spend two hrs on the comp.. she says im being i'll disciplined.. my bro stays on from yesterdae night to this morning.. he gets nothing.. she forced me to do maths.. n say i didnt study.. u noe wad? i dun really care.. i dun care anymore dude.. bang ur door raise ur voice.. im not gonna feel anything..im stressed out n tts it
yo..... so much for being a sunday.. drums was boring.. the whooooole of todae was boring.. wad am i toking abt... then i missed my train... *bloody* pang seh-ed kenny.. sorry ken.. didnt go home wif u todae.. anyway.. then my mama had to invite my cousin over to do a maths.. so... i was forced to do too.. freaking shit iw as tired.. but anyone cares? no... so there u go.. then after tt dinner sucked.. i ate the whole plate of vegetables... then after tt im here.. complaining like hell..and i cant bloody even remember wad the heck i wanted to do after dinner.. -.- .. todae sucks.. and i hope everyday wun be the same.. OH WAIT.. i've got school tomolo... so i guess its gonna be the same as todae then.. fuck tomolo... i being damn vulgar but the prob is.. i dun even FEEL unhappy or wadeva.. i jus feel stoned n feel like being really vulgar n sacarstic.. bleagh.. wadeva man.. the whole point of this is just tt... todae sucks.. end of story